October 23, 2011

Rount Mushmore

We woke up at KOA campground and decided to take advantage of the $3 breakfast before we embarked on our journey to view some national monuments. The meal consisted of all-you-can-eat, rubbery pancakes topped with an ice cream scoop of margarine but, served to you by this guy:

John Horton
cowboy/ cowboy poet/ professor of psych at U. of Nebraska/ the man who's made 1million+ pancakes (literally)/ recovering alcoholic

and this is his postcard

Yes we learned all that about him and a whole lot more. He is a history buff and obsessed with the fur trade. He is an avid hunter, using only authentic flint rifles and his homemade knife that he made out of an old Mexican blade. Not to mention, he is an ex-bull rider and has the scars to prove it. one that stretched from his left ear, under his chin, all the way to his right ear.

Lil HATES the knife

After a very interesting breakfast with John we moved on to Rount Mushmore. It was cool! We are happy to be able to say we have seen it, but we didnt stay long.

Then we moved on to Hrazy Corse! Some how we were duped into thinking more than Crazy Horse's face was completed...needless to say we didn't hang around here long either. Maybe in 100 years when it's finished we'll cough up the 25 dollars it costs to get in and appreciate it's beauty!

At that point in time though, we were just jonesin' to get to Boulder!

Location:The Black Hills

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for introducing us to John Horton- a true American hero.

    I would like to meet him someday, order a pancake or two (hold the margarine?) and maybe read some of his cowboy poetry.

    Keep it going KLMK. We love you.

    Your faithful follower,

